Become a Melrose Rotarian and help make a lasting change in our community.
Prospective Members
Interested in becoming a Rotarian? Great! Please learn about our membership levels below and let us know which membership level is right for you. Then:
Membership Levels
We recognize that not all members are able to attend meetings every week. Please find information about our three main membership categories below:
(1) Full-time Membership
The majority of our members are full-time members. Regular attendance (70% or more) is expected at weekly meetings. Regular members also participate in functions, service projects, and social gatherings. Many of these extra-activities also serve as make-ups for missed regular meetings.
Financial Commitment:
Each member pays annual dues ($200) which includes fees paid to Rotary International and our local district. In addition, weekly lunches are $15, billed biannually in January and July.
(2) Service Membership
This membership level serves community members and business leaders who might not be available for regular lunch meetings. While there is no weekly meeting attendance required, Service Members are expected to participate in projects, functions, and social gatherings twice monthly. Service projects can be self-directed or club-initiated.
Financial Commitment:
Each member pays annual dues ($200) which includes fees paid to Rotary International and our local district. Service members are welcome to join at weekly meetings and pay the per-lunch rate of $15.
Monthly and Ongoing Projects/Gatherings:
Below are a few of the more regular projects and gatherings.
We're always welcome to new ideas.
Bread of Life, 4th Thursday of every month, 4:30-6:30 pm
Rotary After Hours (RAH), monthly evening social gathering
Rotary Sponsored Community Garden, semi-annual clean-up and monitoring
Adopt-a-site on Green Street, semi-annual clean-up and monitoring
Rotary Sponsored Skateboard Park, semi-annual clean-up and monitoring
Annual Projects:
Many of these projects require volunteer help including organization and promotion. Each year Rotary presents one large event, usually at Memorial Hall.
Annual Victorian Fair, volunteer at our booth (September)
Rotary Spelling Bee, volunteers and organizers needed (March?)
MLK Day of Service, volunteers help at Melrose Public Library (January)
Annual Rotary Event (Beer Festival, Talent Show, Family Feud), volunteers and event organizers
Self-Directed Projects:
Rotarians are welcome to take on new projects that can be completed individually or brought to the club. Some ideas and past projects include:
Clothing/Food/Supplies Drive, initiated at your place of business or at the club-level
Annual bike rides, runs, walks, mission trips
(3) Corporate Memberships
Corporate memberships are shared between 2-3 employees of the same company/organization. The identified employees are expected to maintain a 70% attendance rate cumulatively, on behalf of their company/organization. Corporate members are also encouraged to participate in projects, functions, and social gatherings.
Financial Commitment:
Each identified employee pays annual dues ($200) which includes fees paid to Rotary International and our local district. In addition, weekly lunches are $15, billed biannually in January and July to the company/organization.